1. 2009년에 처음 접했다. 스트리트 브랜드 숍이나 카페, 클럽에서 접했다. 그때는 스트리트 컬처를 다루는 잡지가 별로 없 перевод - 1. 2009년에 처음 접했다. 스트리트 브랜드 숍이나 카페, 클럽에서 접했다. 그때는 스트리트 컬처를 다루는 잡지가 별로 없 английский как сказать

1. 2009년에 처음 접했다. 스트리트 브랜드 숍이나 카페,

1. 2009년에 처음 접했다. 스트리트 브랜드 숍이나 카페, 클럽에서 접했다. 그때는 스트리트 컬처를 다루는 잡지가 별로 없었기에 정보를 얻기 위해 보게 되었다.

2. 일단 10주년 축하한다. 10이라는 숫자에 연연하지 않고 열심히 하다 보면 100주년도 오지 않을까? 언제나 응원한다.

3. 현재 이루고 있는 것들. 지금도 계속 그 꿈을 이뤄가고 있다. 친구들과 농담으로 이런 이야기를 한다. 갑자기 꿈에서 깨었는데, 지금 이 모든 것이 10년 전 고등학생 시절 학교에 가는 봉고차 안에서 꾼 꿈이라면 어떻게 할 거냐고. 현재까지 이뤄온 것들을 계속할 것이다. 음악적으론 아직 꿈을 이루지 못했다. 단지 하고 싶은 걸 마음껏 할 수 있게 되었다는 것이다.

4. 잘 모른다. 굳이 말하자면 여자들을 만날 수 있는 문화? 내가 클럽에 갈 땐 늘 여자가 많아 기분 낼 수 있는 환경이 됐으면 좋겠다. 물론 거기 있는 여자가 모두 예쁘길 바라는 건 말이 안 되고, 클럽이라는 특별한 술자리에서 느껴지는 남녀 간의 긴장감이 즐겁다. 서로 눈이 계속 마주치고 그런 것? 내 노래 ‘Boogie on & on’ 느낌?

5. 여자친구와 놀러 갔을 때 가장 즐거운 공간. 가장 즐겁게 논 건 오히려 여자친구와 갔을 때다. 여자친구랑 클럽에 가면 모든 걸 내려놓고 놀 수 없다. 신경이 쓰이니까. 하지만 사람들의 눈치 안 보고 스킨십도 할 수 있고, 색다른 경험으로 다가왔다. 내 기억엔 그렇다.

6. 끊임없이 하고 싶은 것을 하기 위해 노력했다. 그걸 이루기 위해 많은 유혹을 뿌리치고, 많은 사람에게 영감을 주고 또 받기도 하며 지내왔다. 그 유혹이라면 큰 회사들의 백업을 말한다. 회사가 정하는 대로만 움직이는 게 아니라 내 의지로 자유롭게 해온 것이다. 정리하자면 내가 하고 싶은 것을 마음대로 할 수 있는 경지에 이른 것. 자유.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. first in 2009. Street brand shop or Café, the Club had folded in. At that time, there was a magazine covering much of the street culture to obtain information. 2. once the 10th anniversary celebration. 10 numbers called do not dwell on the 100th anniversary of the hard work you'll come, too? Always cheering. 3. the present ones. Now keep that dream come true. These stories as a joke with your friends. All of a sudden I was dreaming of, and now all this 10 years ago, and a student going to school such as Bongo's dream going to do Playboy in the car. At present only things will continue. The musical had yet to dream unfulfilled. Just want to be able to do to your heart's content. 4. do not know. Let's meet the girls of culture? I feel like a woman when I go to the Club could have plenty of practice environment is hoping it will. Of course, there's a pretty girl I hope all makes sense, and it feels good in a special club called drinking and to raise the tension between men and women. Keep an eye on each other to make such a thing? My song ' Boogie on & on ' feeling? 5. when I went to hang out with your girlfriend is the most enjoyable space. Play the most fun thing is when I went with a girlfriend, rather. If a woman doesn't cost a lot to the Club and put down everything I can not to play. Neurotic. But people don't see noticed skin, and it can be a different experience, even decades away. Apart from my memories yen. 6. are constantly trying to make what you want. Many shrugged off the temptation to push for it, and many people also give inspiration to another, and except for a few times. If you're tempted to do a backup of a large company, he says. It's not only set by the company move I've been doing my will freely. To recap what I want can be done at that level early. free.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The first've never seen anything in 2009. Street brand shops, cafes, clubs've never seen anything in. Then it was shown there was much to gain information on the magazine covering the street culture. 2. Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of one. 10 It does not look very hard to see the number of centenary also would come? Always cheer. 3. Things current form. There are still going to continue to make all their dreams. To this story and joke with friends. Eotneunde suddenly wake from a dream, that what I do now and in the van dreamed all this is going on in high school, the school 10 years ago. What you have done and will continue to the present. Musical euron not yet fulfill the dream. Is that what you want just to be able to fully. 4. You do not know. Culture dare to meet girls say? When I go to the club always the girl I hope this environment to be more comfortable. Of course, not to say all women are beautiful the way you want is there, fun is the tension between men and women feel the club is a special banquet. Then the snow continued to hit each other? My song 'Boogie on & on' feeling? 5. I went with a friend to play with at the most entertaining space. The most enjoyable thing is when non-rather I went with my girlfriend. A woman can not go to the club to play with my friends put down everything. Now that the nerve is used. But do not notice the people reporting physical contact can also, came as a new experience. Yes, I remember yen. 6. I have tried to do what ever you want. To achieve it, the temptation to hit a lot of roots, inspired a lot of people come and stay again awarded. If that means the temptation backup of large companies. The company is only as prescribed and not been my intention to move freely. In summary the earliest that you can do what I want to state that. Free.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. fold in 2009 for the first time. Street brand shops and cafes at the club, folded. Then the local office to deal with the Wall Street Journal, there's not much to obtain information. back to top
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2. Once the 10 Anniversary of congratulations. The number 10 without the hard 100 Anniversary would come? Always cheering. Top
3. The current. Still, the dream. Friends and talked about that as a joke. suddenly woke from the dream, andNow all this is for high school students 10 years ago when he was blocked off, and go to school in the car, what would dream asked me if I was going. So far they have been to continue. musically, however, has yet to achieve his dream. I just want to be able to freely. Top
4. They do not know. I dare say a woman, you can meet the culture? If I go to a club I always feel that she can hope that environment.
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